THE ADVOCATE’S KILLER is released today. It is book number eleven in The Advocate Series. This book was written in the shortest length of time so far. However, it had less to do with an increase in my writing speed, than it had to do with the Covid-19 pandemic. Stuck at home in isolation gave me a lot of writing time.
I have to tell you though, I’m starting to get cabin fever. I miss my walks at the bay and the beach. I miss seeing my family. I miss going to the movies. Heck, I even miss going to the store, and I hate to shop.
I sit here feeling sorry for my self, and then I think about how lucky I really am. My heart goes out to all those families who have lost loved ones. They will forever feel the loss. For the rest of us, this won’t last forever, and if we are all kind and thoughtful of others, we can get through this together.
Stay safe and Covid-19 Free.
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