
Cover Reveal!

Joke for the week:

Because they can see right through you!


I appreciate all of the votes that came in. Each time we do this, I seem to get more participation. It really helps.

And the winner by a landslide is below:


Progress Update!

Joke for the week:


If you noticed my photo above changed. My sister had a birthday and we took her to high tea. It was really fun and we hope to make it an annual event. And below is a photo of our family at the event–two of my sisters and five of my nieces.

As for my books–The Advocate’s Quandary is almost ready to send to the editor. I’m working on the second draft right now.


Title Reveal!

JPism for the week:



We have a title for the Q book! I need to let you know that I had 39 readers suggest this word for the title. Since there can only be one winner, I threw them in a “name picker” and let the random wheel decide. Thank you all for your participation.


And the winner is: Mary Bagnasco! Congratulations, Mary!


Coming Soon: The Advocate’s Oath Audible

JPism for the week:


Alert! THE ADVOCATE’S OATH will soon be available on Audible. I’ll let you know as soon as it comes out. There will be some codes available!

I’m starting to work on The Advocate’s Q______. I hope to get it done and released before the end of the year…but we shall see. I still have a little traveling to do.


P Word Reveal!

JPism for the week:


The title is… drum roll, please…


And the winner for the title selection is Lisa Boyles. Thank’s Lisa! And thank all of you who participated. You help me more than you know. Your title suggestions start my brain churning.

I’m moving right along on The Advocate’s Phantom. I think you’re really going to like this one. Lots of twists and turns.

Thanks for the “Sista Trip” suggestions as well. We decided to go to Maine this summer, and I’m hoping to have the book done in time to do my “Facebook Live Launch” from there. (I may be dreaming because I still have a lot to do for the book to be ready–but I’m trying.)


Flower Fields


This photo at the top is taken at The Flower Fields in Carlsbad. I was able to go there with my sister, Gidgi, and 3 of my favorite nieces, Robin, Allie, & Addison. It’s a pretty amazing way to spend a day. (If you like flowers of course and/or if you like your family, that works too!)

Thank you for all your “P-word” suggestions. You nailed it! I have it down to one of two words, I’ll let you know when I decide which one.


The joke for the week!

And the Winner is…

Joke of the Week:

If a group of crows is called a murder, what do you call two crows?

Attempted murder!

The winner of the mystery book contest is: Alexandria Servantes. Congratulations!

There is still time to Pre-Order The Advocate’s Oath at 25% discount. Don’t miss out!

Don’t forget to add The Advocate’s Oath as a “to read” on Goodreads. See you next week!
