I’ve made a lot of progress on The Advocate’s O_______. I started the book, wrote several chapters and decided I didn’t like the way it started. Actually, I woke up yesterday morning thinking it wasn’t right. So, I started again, but I’m still using what I wrote first, I’m just putting it a little further into the book. I’ve only done that one other time, and that was because my publisher told me to. I’m happy now with the opening.
Thank all of you who showed up for my event this past weekend in Riverside. I’m trying to schedule some other events outside of the area. I’m hoping I can work them around other travels I have planned.
I’m going to Michigan in late April because my niece is graduating from med school at Michigan State University, and she has asked me to be a “hooder” for her. I’m not exactly sure what that entails, but I’m honored to be a part of her ceremony.
Please let me know if you live in Michigan. If so, what city are you in?
P.S. THE ADVOCATE will be FREE on Kindle January 22, & 23. Please let your mystery reader friends know!
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