As you may well know, I’ve been working on my third novel. With all the book signings I’ve been attending, the book is not quite on the schedule I had hoped. I do most of my writing from my home in San Diego and since I haven’t been home much it has been difficult.
A brief insight into The Advocate #3 without giving too much away:
Sabre receives a sudden influx of cases dealing with victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Of course, her friend, Bob, is back and admits he likes the idea of having a case different from the everyday physical and sexual abuse or tox-baby cases. Only Bob could get excited about a case involving chicken feet and goat blood.
JP is also a returning character with his Stetson hat, his cowboy boots, and his Texas slang. JP’s investigation stays closer to home this time. So far he hasn’t left southern California (but there’s still quite a few chapters left so who knows). He works diligently trying to uncover the source of the satanic-like behaviors exhibited by the juvenile court clients, while he does his best to keep Sabre out of whatever mess she finds herself in.
The novel includes at least one murder, a “devil-house,” missing children, and people in power with a great deal to lose. Sabre has to protect her minor clients and try to answer the nagging question: Did the devil make them do it?