
Mason’s Missing Release

MASON’S MISSING is the first book in my newest series. Up until now, I have only written novels in The Advocate Series. In book #6, The Advocate’s Felony, I had a character named Tuper that became a fan favorite. When The Advocate’s Felony was released, I had request after request for more Tuper. Since Tuper didn’t fit in San Diego in JP and Sabre’s world, I started his own series. Tuper is an old cowboy who lives near Helena, Montana. He likes three things, women, guns, and gambling. In the new series, Tuper meets up with an unlikely sidekick, a young computer hacker. The dialog between these two was really fun to write.MASON’S MISSING is available for Pre-Order now and will release on Tuesday, October 3, 2017. Please join me for the Facebook Launch on Teresa Burrell Fan Page from 4:00 to 7:00 PDT. I will also be making a personal appearance to launch the paperback version on Saturday, October 7, at 10:30 a.m. at The Ontario Convention Center, 2000 Convention Center Way, Ontario, California. Come by and say hello if you can. In honor of the release of MASON’S MISSING, The Advocate’s Felony will be FREE on Kindle from 10/2 through 10/6. Download a copy if you haven’t already, and please tell your friends.Keep on reading…




tahTHE ADVOCATE’S HOMICIDES, the eighth book in The Advocate Series, released today. This was a tough book to write, but it needed to be done. It took longer than usual to write for many reasons–some personal, some just because of the subject matter of the book, but in the end, I’m glad I wrote it. I hope you enjoy it, and as usual, I welcome your comments either as a review or in an email to me at I love to hear from my readers.

Here are a few of the early reviews:

“If you have a sense of justice, you’ll love this book and appreciate the ending. The only downside is, you may lose some sleep while you’re reading it.”–Kindle Customer.

“Had me on the edge of my seat. The author keeps you guessing all the way through. The story was well-developed, the characters, even the more minor ones, were very real….She really makes you care about what the children have to go through to get justice. You can tell they aren’t just characters to her.”–Lady Silverlocks

“This IS your personal best. What a spell binder. You need to write me a check in the amount of ‘One Good Night’s Sleep’. I couldn’t put it down. Your ending reads like a concerto at the end of a memorable symphony.”–Rodger





April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

I’m reaching out to all my friends on social media to help build awareness for child abuse prevention. April is the month that has been set aside to build awareness. The U.S. has one of the highest rates of abuse among the industrialized nations. Let’s change that! Be a part of the solution.

You may bTie One On!e familiar with the “Tie One On” campaigns that have been done for other causes. Now there is one for child abuse awareness. You can participate by wearing an ugly tie (or a not so ugly one if you don’t normally wear ties) on or about April 22, 2016. Please take a photo of yourself wearing a tie and holding this sign or one similar, and post it on my Facebook page. You can download the sign from here, or copy and paste it. If you’re having trouble there’s another sign for download on TieOne.orgIMG_6796

I practiced law for twelve years as a child advocate, as does my character, Sabre Brown, in The Advocate Series. Those of you who are familiar with Sabre know that she often wears ties to work, but only Jerry Garcia ties. As an added bonus for your efforts to help build child abuse awareness, I’ll be giving away an autographed Jerry Garcia tie from Sabre’s collection. (The autograph will be mine, not Jerry Garcia’s.) You will be entered in the drawing if you post your photo (with tie and sign) on my Facebook Page, or Tweet your photo with the hashtags #ChildAbusePrevention and #TeresaBurrell.

You can also send your photo to and they may post it on their site.

In thirteen seconds another child will be abused in the U.S. Let’s be heard–and please TIE ONE ON TO END CHILD ABUSE.

Teresa Burrell

Author of The Advocate Series

FREE JP Torn Short Story

JP has been a favorite character of The Advocate Series. The women love him, the men want to be him. He is the character I get the most remarks about in all my books. A lot of my readers have asked for more JP, so here it is. I have written a short story about JP when he was young. It’s called DEADLY SECRETS. Deadly Secrets med

The book is a FREE download and can be read on any digital reader, tablet, or computer. All you have to do to get the book is to sign up for my mailing list on my website at A passcode will pop up and you can download the book right then and there. If you are already on my mailing list and for some reason missed the email that I sent out with the code, please send me an email at and I will explain what to do. The book is getting great reviews so don’t miss out and happy reading!


Release date for The Advocate’s Geocache

The Advocate’s Geocache has been set for release on June 2, 2015. We don’t have an exact pre-order date yet, but it looks like it will be approximately three weeks before the release. As soon as we have the date, we will let you know.

On another note, several readers have been asking to be a part of a “Street Team” for The Advocate Series. When I was first approached, I didn’t even know what a “Street Team” was. After some research on the subject, I was thirlled that anyone wanted to do that for me (or for Sabre, JP, and Bob). In a nutshell, it’s a group of readers who will be promoting my series both on social media and on the street (hence the name). I know many of you do this already, but now you will have access to some cool tools to help you.

Some readers have since taken the liberty of putting the structure in place for us. They asked me to put the word out to see who may be interested in joining them. Linda Athridge-Langille, Robin Thomas, and a couple of others approached me to let them set something up. Dawn Sullivan formed the group and created a Facebook page to be used as the central point for getting the word out. Thank you Dawn, Linda, Robin, and others who have already been doing this on your own.

You can go to the Facebook page at Author Teresa Burrell’s Street Team, click on “Files” and read the Welcome Letter/Mission and Member Rules. If you are interested in being a part of the Street Team, please let us know. You can do that by going to Author Teresa Burrell’s Street Team page and clicking on “joined.” We will then accept your request. If you are among the first to join, you will be able to help pick the name of the team.

I want to thank everyone in advance who is interested in becoming a part of the “Street Team.” I want the rest of you to knowcover rust white that I appreciate your interest in my books and all the support you have given me already. We all have busy lives and I understand if you have too much on your plate to add one more thing, or if this just isn’t your cup of tea. Besides, if your time is limited, I want you to spend what free time you have reading my next book, The Advocate’s Geocache.

The Launch Party will be on Facebook once again. Save the date: June 2, 2015. We will let you know when we have more information as to time, etc.


Author of The Advocate Series


The Advocate’s Geocache Cover Reveal!

The Advocate’s Geocache is the seventh book in The Advocate Series. My new bookcover designer, Zachary Settle, provided me with two different covers in three different colors. I submitted them to my readers to help choose the cover. Unlike past years when I have done this, the readers came up with a combined cover from what was submitted. I had to agree with them. Great suggestions. Thank you all for your wonderful input. Your input is invaluable to me.

So, here it is:


cover rust white


Also, watch for notices about the release date and the date you can start Pre-ordering on Kindle.

More news to follow soon.



“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.” JP

Here’s the latest quote from JP. Thank you Sally Banks for submitting the quote so we could create the picture. All you readers are welcome to submit a JPism from any of my books and we will create the picture with the quote. We’ll keep doing it as long as the requests come in.

Here is Sally’s:
Lipstidk- pig 3

Back to work on the seventh installment of The Advocate Series.
