Posts Tagged mystery

Join Us on Zoom for Launch Party–Recovering Rita

RECOVERING RITA  will release on Tuesday, May 11, 2021. Please join me for the launch that evening.
5:00 PM to 6:30 Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 6231 1600
Passcode: 347060
If you are not set up for Zoom, you can do that ahead of time so you’re ready to go at meeting time. A minute or so before meeting time, click on the link above and if it ask for a password, it is listed here as well. The meeting will last for an hour and a half and you can come in any time.
This is the second time I’ve done a Zoom Launch. It was a blast last time. I really enjoyed seeing the faces of my readers. I would love to see you all again and those of you who are new readers or didn’t make it last time. It’s a fun way to chat and win some cool prizes.

The Advocate’s Killer, the 11th Book in the Series, Launches Today

THE ADVOCATE’S KILLER is released today. It is book number eleven in The Advocate Series. This book was written in the shortest length of time so far. However, it had less to do with an increase in my writing speed, than it had to do with the Covid-19 pandemic. Stuck at home in isolation gave me a lot of writing time.

I have to tell you though, I’m starting to get cabin fever. I miss my walks at the bay and the beach. I miss seeing my family. I miss going to the movies. Heck, I even miss going to the store, and I hate to shop.

I sit here feeling sorry for my self, and then I think about how lucky I really am. My heart goes out to all those families who have lost loved ones. They will forever feel the loss. For the rest of us, this won’t last forever, and if we are all kind and thoughtful of others, we can get through this together.

Stay safe and Covid-19 Free.


The Advocate’s Justice is Here

THE ADVOCATE’S JUSTICE is the tenth book in The Advocate Series. Once again, Sabre, JP, and Bob solve another mystery.  The book released today and is now available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle. It will soon be available on Audible as well.


Attorney Sabre Brown is charged with saving Conner, a fifteen-year-old who’s accused of murdering his grandma’s abusive boyfriend. All eyewitness accounts and forensic evidence point directly to the boy. To make matters worse, this time it’s personal. Conner is the nephew of JP Torn, Sabre’s boyfriend.

Undaunted, Sabre and JP investigate, turning up sordid details and a long list of suspects.

Soon, tempers flare, confidences are broken, and secrets of the past surface in the present as Sabre and JP untangle the web of lies created by JP’s family.


THE ADVOCATE’S JUSTICE will be officially released this afternoon (Tuesday 4/9/19) from 4-7 p.m. PDT on Facebook with a live video. Please stop in and say hello.


tahTHE ADVOCATE’S HOMICIDES, the eighth book in The Advocate Series, released today. This was a tough book to write, but it needed to be done. It took longer than usual to write for many reasons–some personal, some just because of the subject matter of the book, but in the end, I’m glad I wrote it. I hope you enjoy it, and as usual, I welcome your comments either as a review or in an email to me at I love to hear from my readers.

Here are a few of the early reviews:

“If you have a sense of justice, you’ll love this book and appreciate the ending. The only downside is, you may lose some sleep while you’re reading it.”–Kindle Customer.

“Had me on the edge of my seat. The author keeps you guessing all the way through. The story was well-developed, the characters, even the more minor ones, were very real….She really makes you care about what the children have to go through to get justice. You can tell they aren’t just characters to her.”–Lady Silverlocks

“This IS your personal best. What a spell binder. You need to write me a check in the amount of ‘One Good Night’s Sleep’. I couldn’t put it down. Your ending reads like a concerto at the end of a memorable symphony.”–Rodger





FREE JP Torn Short Story

JP has been a favorite character of The Advocate Series. The women love him, the men want to be him. He is the character I get the most remarks about in all my books. A lot of my readers have asked for more JP, so here it is. I have written a short story about JP when he was young. It’s called DEADLY SECRETS. Deadly Secrets med

The book is a FREE download and can be read on any digital reader, tablet, or computer. All you have to do to get the book is to sign up for my mailing list on my website at A passcode will pop up and you can download the book right then and there. If you are already on my mailing list and for some reason missed the email that I sent out with the code, please send me an email at and I will explain what to do. The book is getting great reviews so don’t miss out and happy reading!


The Advocate’s Geocache Cover Reveal!

The Advocate’s Geocache is the seventh book in The Advocate Series. My new bookcover designer, Zachary Settle, provided me with two different covers in three different colors. I submitted them to my readers to help choose the cover. Unlike past years when I have done this, the readers came up with a combined cover from what was submitted. I had to agree with them. Great suggestions. Thank you all for your wonderful input. Your input is invaluable to me.

So, here it is:


cover rust white


Also, watch for notices about the release date and the date you can start Pre-ordering on Kindle.

More news to follow soon.



The Advocate’s Felony

felony_bookcover_bookstoreThe Advocate’s Felony was released on August 6th and has reached best selling rank on Amazon. I’m so grateful to all my readers who have helped keep this series alive. Most recently it has also become a big hit in Australia. I think that’s reason enough to take a trip “Down Under,” don’t you? Here is the screen shot from the top 3 books in Legal Suspense on Amazon in Australia on 8/8/2014. 

Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 10.35.33 PM

A month later in Australia, it is still number fifteen. I’m thrilled. Yeah, I really need to go there!

Sydney-Australia-8Teresa Burrell

Author of The Advocate Series

Has Someone Sit on Your Cake?

“A bad review is like baking a cake with all the best ingredients and having someone sit on it.”–Danielle Steel

Baby Sitting on Wedding Cake

I was never one to write reviews for books until it became easy. (I love technology!) There was a time when there were very few places to write a review or I probably would have. I know that because I was very good about writing reviews on waiters in restaurants or in hotels when there was a form to fill out. Now we live in an age where you can write reviews for anything and everything and it only takes a few minutes. So, do you take he time to do that?

Let’s talk specifically about books because after all that’s what I do, write books. Now, I write reviews, or at least give them a rating, for almost every book I finish reading. I say that, because I tend to only write reviews if I can say something positive and if I really don’t like a book I’m reading, I won’t finish it. That’s a more recent behavior because I used to finish everything I started. I just had to see it to the end no matter how much I hated it. Now that I’m in my autumn (or at least late summer) years of my life, I’ve learned I don’t have to do that. I choose to spend my time doing things I enjoy. But back to the review part…I’m much better about writing them than I used to be. Some of that I’m sure is because I appreciate whenever someone takes the time to write a review for my books.

I know how important the reviews are to authors, but how much are those reviews worth to readers? As a reader, do you buy books based on the reviews? Do you even read them? And when you write one, why do you do it?

Some authors read their reviews, others choose not to. I read all of mine. I try to learn from the negative ones, and I’m motivated by the positive ones. I have well over 1400 combined reviews for my books and they all average around 4.5, but sometimes I wonder if the readers are reading the same book. I understand people have different tastes and I’m good with that. But I had a review that said she was upset because the book had less than 150 pages. Another reader said he was overwhelmed because the book had over 600 pages. This was for the same book! The book actually has around 300 paperback pages. Now I realize you can change the font if you’re reading on a digital device, but that’s a bit of an extreme range.

And then there are those that just make me laugh. Like this one, for example:

It was a 3 star review.

I purchased this kindle book because it sounded like something I enjoy reading and it was Free on Book Bub. I have purchased many books and I haven’t had time to read them all yet and this is one that I have not read yet (hence just an okay rating). When I get around to reading it, I will try to remember to come back and update my post.

Can anyone tell me why someone would post such a review? I just don’t get it. Another reader apparently couldn’t leave it alone. He or she responded:

What a ridiculous waste of time for you to post this “review.” How could you give the book a rating when you haven’t even read it?

Then there is this 1 star review for The Advocate:

 There was far too much detailed sex. Had I known it was “R” rated due to sex, I never would have read it. As it is, I skipped over many pages due to the sexual material. I won’t read any more of her books. However, if you like that type of material, you’d probably like the book. Story line was good.

FYI: This book had NO sex in it, not even a kiss. There was no relationship, no romance, nothing, zip, nada, zilch! I can only guess that the review was placed on the wrong book…or someone stole my cover and put it on a “smut” book. Hmmm…

And then there’s the spoiler:

I love this book….this book was very thrilling until the bitter end I would have never thought it was ______ that did the killing. 

I removed the name above and replaced it with the blank. She gave me 5 stars. You gotta love her! Of course, no one else has to read the book now because they know “whodunit.”

And one of my favorites:

I felt relief at the end, knowing I wasn’t going to have to pick up this book again.

What does that even mean? It was a 3-star review. I would expect a 1-star with that statement or perhaps a 5-star if you want to put a really positive spin on that statement…Like I wore her out with all my suspense and twists and turns. But a 3-star? Go figure.

Readers, authors really appreciate reviews. Write them when you read a book you like because it will encourage the author to write more books. I want to thank all of you who have written a review for me. I understand not everyone has the time or the interest in writing a review. That’s okay. Thank you for reading my books.

For two reasons, I don’t agree with Danielle Steele when she says: “A bad review is like baking a cake with all the best ingredients and having someone sit on it.”  One, because I get good reviews and I get bad reviews. Fortunately, I get more good than bad, and as I said earlier, I use the bad ones to grow. And second, if I were to bake a cake, one would likely be better off sitting on it, than eating it.

Teresa Burrell

Author of The Advocate Series

An Author and a Gentleman


Jeff Sherratt

Jeff Sherratt was a dear friend to me and a great storyteller. He wrote The Jimmy O’Brien Mystery Series which included The Brimstone Murders, Guilty or Else, and Detour to Murder. He raced against the clock to finish his last novel in the series, Cyanide Perfume, but time ran out before the final edits. His loving wife, Judy Sherratt, judiciously completed this novel so it remained Jeff’s work. I know many of you have been waiting for this novel to be released. It took a long time and a lot of hard work by his wife, along with the help of a few others, not the least of which was his good friend and editor, Mike Sirota.  

Anyone who ever knew Jeff would tell you what a wonderful storyteller he was. If you get a chance to pick up his book Cyanide Perfume on Kindle or in paperback on Amazon you can see for yourself. I’m sure you will enjoy it—his final words.

Jeff was a man with integrity, a great sense of humor, and a heart the size of Texas. He gave good advice, shared his knowledge with whoever would listen, and loved his family more than anything on this earth. I only knew Jeff Sherratt for a few years, but he felt like a brother to me. He was my mentor and a dear friend. He took me under his wing and led me into the world of fiction. I have him to thank for my success as a novelist.

Sometimes in life, a friend comes along just when you need him, leads you where you need to go, and watches out for you along the way.  Jeff was that friend to me—and I expect to countless others who crossed his path.  

Whenever Jeff did an event with other authors or attended their events (which he always seem to make time to do), he never failed to buy the other authors’ books. Not only did he buy them, he read them, and wrote reviews. 

So if you want to return a favor he did for you, you can do that by purchasing Cyanide Perfume. And if you enjoy his last book, please go on Amazon and leave a review, or at least tell your friends about the book. Jeff would appreciate it and so would his loving wife, Judy. I know it would make her feel good to know that people cared enough to take the time to do that for him.

Rest in peace, Jeff Sherratt. May your words live on…

Teresa Burrell

Author of The Advocate Series